/*! * mustache.js - logic-less {{mustache}} templates with javascript * http://github.com/janl/mustache.js */ (function(a, b) { if (typeof exports === "object" && exports) { b(exports) } else { var c = {}; b(c); if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(c) } else { a.mustache = c } } } (this, function(a) { var f = /\s*/; var m = /\s+/; var k = /\s/; var i = /\s*=/; var o = /\s*\}/; var t = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/; var g = regexp.prototype.test; function s(z, y) { return g.call(z, y) } function h(y) { return ! s(k, y) } var v = object.prototype.tostring; var l = array.isarray || function(y) { return v.call(y) === "[object array]" }; function b(y) { return typeof y === "function" } function e(y) { return y.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&") } var d = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "/": "/" }; function n(y) { return string(y).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function(z) { return d[z] }) } function r(y) { if (!l(y) || y.length !== 2) { throw new error("invalid tags: " + y) } return [new regexp(e(y[0]) + "\\s*"), new regexp("\\s*" + e(y[1]))] } function x(o, e) { e = e || a.tags; o = o || ""; if (typeof e === "string") { e = e.split(m) } var i = r(e); var a = new u(o); var g = []; var f = []; var d = []; var p = false; var n = false; function m() { if (p && !n) { while (d.length) { delete f[d.pop()] } } else { d = [] } p = false; n = false } var b, z, h, j, c, y; while (!a.eos()) { b = a.pos; h = a.scanuntil(i[0]); if (h) { for (var k = 0, l = h.length; k < l; ++k) { j = h.charat(k); if (h(j)) { d.push(f.length) } else { n = true } f.push(["text", j, b, b + 1]); b += 1; if (j === "\n") { m() } } } if (!a.scan(i[0])) { break } p = true; z = a.scan(t) || "name"; a.scan(f); if (z === "=") { h = a.scanuntil(i); a.scan(i); a.scanuntil(i[1]) } else { if (z === "{") { h = a.scanuntil(new regexp("\\s*" + e("}" + e[1]))); a.scan(o); a.scanuntil(i[1]); z = "&" } else { h = a.scanuntil(i[1]) } } if (!a.scan(i[1])) { throw new error("unclosed tag at " + a.pos) } c = [z, h, b, a.pos]; f.push(c); if (z === "#" || z === "^") { g.push(c) } else { if (z === "/") { y = g.pop(); if (!y) { throw new error('unopened section "' + h + '" at ' + b) } if (y[1] !== h) { throw new error('unclosed section "' + y[1] + '" at ' + b) } } else { if (z === "name" || z === "{" || z === "&") { n = true } else { if (z === "=") { i = r(e = h.split(m)) } } } } } y = g.pop(); if (y) { throw new error('unclosed section "' + y[1] + '" at ' + a.pos) } return w(c(f)) } function c(d) { var a = []; var c, z; for (var b = 0, y = d.length; b < y; ++b) { c = d[b]; if (c) { if (c[0] === "text" && z && z[0] === "text") { z[1] += c[1]; z[3] = c[3] } else { a.push(c); z = c } } } return a } function w(d) { var f = []; var c = f; var e = []; var a, b; for (var z = 0, y = d.length; z < y; ++z) { a = d[z]; switch (a[0]) { case "#": case "^": c.push(a); e.push(a); c = a[4] = []; break; case "/": b = e.pop(); b[5] = a[2]; c = e.length > 0 ? e[e.length - 1][4] : f; break; default: c.push(a) } } return f } function u(y) { this.string = y; this.tail = y; this.pos = 0 } u.prototype.eos = function() { return this.tail === "" }; u.prototype.scan = function(a) { var z = this.tail.match(a); if (z && z.index === 0) { var y = z[0]; this.tail = this.tail.substring(y.length); this.pos += y.length; return y } return "" }; u.prototype.scanuntil = function(a) { var z = this.tail.search(a), y; switch (z) { case - 1 : y = this.tail; this.tail = ""; break; case 0: y = ""; break; default: y = this.tail.substring(0, z); this.tail = this.tail.substring(z) } this.pos += y.length; return y }; function q(z, y) { this.view = z == null ? {}: z; this.cache = { ".": this.view }; this.parent = y } q.prototype.push = function(y) { return new q(y, this) }; q.prototype.lookup = function(y) { var b; if (y in this.cache) { b = this.cache[y] } else { var a = this; while (a) { if (y.indexof(".") > 0) { b = a.view; var c = y.split("."), z = 0; while (b != null && z < c.length) { b = b[c[z++]] } } else { b = a.view[y] } if (b != null) { break } a = a.parent } this.cache[y] = b } if (b(b)) { b = b.call(this.view) } return b }; function p() { this.cache = {} } p.prototype.clearcache = function() { this.cache = {} }; p.prototype.parse = function(a, z) { var y = this.cache; var b = y[a]; if (b == null) { b = y[a] = x(a, z) } return b }; p.prototype.render = function(b, y, a) { var c = this.parse(b); var z = (y instanceof q) ? y: new q(y); return this.rendertokens(c, z, a, b) }; p.prototype.rendertokens = function(g, y, e, i) { var c = ""; var k = this; function z(l) { return k.render(l, y, e) } var a, h; for (var d = 0, f = g.length; d < f; ++d) { a = g[d]; switch (a[0]) { case "#": h = y.lookup(a[1]); if (!h) { continue } if (l(h)) { for (var b = 0, j = h.length; b < j; ++b) { c += this.rendertokens(a[4], y.push(h[b]), e, i) } } else { if (typeof h === "object" || typeof h === "string") { c += this.rendertokens(a[4], y.push(h), e, i) } else { if (b(h)) { if (typeof i !== "string") { throw new error("cannot use higher-order sections without the original template") } h = h.call(y.view, i.slice(a[3], a[5]), z); if (h != null) { c += h } } else { c += this.rendertokens(a[4], y, e, i) } } } break; case "^": h = y.lookup(a[1]); if (!h || (l(h) && h.length === 0)) { c += this.rendertokens(a[4], y, e, i) } break; case ">": if (!e) { continue } h = b(e) ? e(a[1]) : e[a[1]]; if (h != null) { c += this.rendertokens(this.parse(h), y, e, h) } break; case "&": h = y.lookup(a[1]); if (h != null) { c += h } break; case "name": h = y.lookup(a[1]); if (h != null) { c += a.escape(h) } break; case "text": c += a[1]; break } } return c }; a.name = "mustache.js"; a.version = "0.8.1"; a.tags = ["{{", "}}"]; var j = new p(); a.clearcache = function() { return j.clearcache() }; a.parse = function(z, y) { return j.parse(z, y) }; a.render = function(a, y, z) { return j.render(a, y, z) }; a.to_html = function(b, z, a, c) { var y = a.render(b, z, a); if (b(c)) { c(y) } else { return y } }; a.escape = n; a.scanner = u; a.context = q; a.writer = p })); /*! * zeromodal.js * http://git.oschina.net/cylansad/zeromodal * * copyright 2016, sad */ (function(a) { if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof exports === "object" && define.cmd) { module.exports = a } else { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(function() { return a }) } else { window.zeromodal = a } } } ((function(f, h) { var z = {}; var g = '
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' }; if (typeof b === "object") { f.extend(c, b) } else { c.content = b } q(c) }; z.success = function(b) { var c = { icondisplay: '
' }; if (typeof b === "object") { f.extend(c, b) } else { c.content = b } q(c) }; z.confirm = function(d, c) { var b = { iconclass: "show-zero2 zeromodal-icon-question", icontext: "?", }; var e = {}; f.extend(e, b); if (typeof c === "function") { e.okfn = c } e.cancel = true; if (typeof d === "object") { f.extend(e, d) } else { e.content = d } q(e) }; function o(b) { var c = {}; f.extend(c, w); f.extend(c, b); if (typeof c.unique === "undefined" || c.unique === "") { c.unique = c() } m[c.unique] = c; return c } function j(b) { if (typeof b.onopen === "function") { b.onopen(b) } y(b); n(b) } function b(b) { if (typeof b === "object") { if (typeof b.oncleanup === "function") { b.oncleanup() } f('[zero-unique-overlay="' + b.unique + '"]').remove(); f('[zero-unique-container="' + b.unique + '"]').remove(); f('[zero-unique-loading="' + b.unique + '"]').remove(); f("body").removeclass("zeromodal-overflow-hidden"); if (b.forbidbodyscrollclass !== h) { f("body").removeclass(b.forbidbodyscrollclass) } if (typeof b.onclosed === "function") { b.onclosed() } } } function y(c) { t++; c._tmp_last_zindex = t; c._width = f(document).width(); c._height = f(document).height(); if (c.overlay) { var b = f(mustache.render(g, c)); f("body").append(b); if (c.overlayclose) { b.css("cursor", "pointer"); b.click(function() { b(c) }) } else { b.click(function() { x(f('[zero-unique-container="' + c.unique + '"]')) }) } } } function n(d) { t++; var f = d.width.replace("px", ""); var h = d.height.replace("px", ""); var c = f(window).width(); var g = f(window).height(); if (f.indexof("%") !== -1) { f = (c * parseint(f.replace("%", "")) / 100) } if (h.indexof("%") !== -1) { h = (g * parseint(h.replace("%", "")) / 100) } if (typeof f === "string") { f = parseint(f) } if (typeof h === "string") { h = parseint(h) } var l = ((c - f) / 2) + "px"; var k = (f(window).scrolltop() + math.ceil((f(window).height() - h) / 3)) + "px"; if (d.top !== h) { k = d.top } if (d.left !== h) { l = d.left } d._tmp_last_zindex = t; d._width = f; d._height = h; d._left = l; d._top = k; f("body").append(mustache.render(v, d)); if (d.drag) { var b; if (d.draghandle === "container") { b = f('[zero-unique-container="' + d.unique + '"]')[0] } else { b = f('[zero-unique-top="' + d.unique + '"]')[0] } new a(f('[zero-unique-container="' + d.unique + '"]')[0], { handle: b, limit: false }) } f('[zero-close-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').click(function() { b(m[f(this).attr("zero-close-unique")]) }); f('[zero-max-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').click(function() { var m = f('[zeromodal-unqiue-header="' + d.unique + '"]'); f('[zero-title-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').removeclass("modal-title-min"); f('[zero-unique-body="' + d.unique + '"]').show(); f('[zero-unique-container="' + d.unique + '"]').removeclass("zeromodal-fixed"); if (m.attr("zero-status") !== "2") { i(m[f(this).attr("zero-max-unique")], "90%", "85%"); m.attr("zero-status", "2") } else { i(m[f(this).attr("zero-max-unique")]); m.attr("zero-status", "1") } p(d) }); f('[zero-min-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').click(function() { var o = f('[zeromodal-unqiue-header="' + d.unique + '"]'); var n = f('[zero-unique-container="' + d.unique + '"]'); var p = f('[zero-unique-body="' + d.unique + '"]'); if (o.attr("zero-status") !== "0") { p.hide(); n.css("height", "22px").css("width", "220px").addclass("zeromodal-fixed"); f('[zero-title-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').addclass("modal-title-min"); if (d.minposition !== h && d.minposition !== "") { var m = d.minposition.split(","); if (m.length === 2) { n.css("left", m[0] + "px").css("top", (parseint(m[1]) + f(window).scrolltop()) + "px") } } o.attr("zero-status", "0") } else { f('[zero-title-unique="' + d.unique + '"]').removeclass("modal-title-min"); p.show(); n.removeclass("zeromodal-fixed"); i(m[f(this).attr("zero-min-unique")]); o.attr("zero-status", "1") } }); if (d.transition) { f(".zeromodal-container").animate({ top: k }, 300) } p(d); if (d.resize) { a(d.unique, d) } if (typeof d.onload === "function") { d.onload(d) } var e = f('[zero-unique-body="' + d.unique + '"]'); if (!d.url) { e.addclass("zeromodal-overflow-y"); if (d.escape) { e.html(d.content) } else { e.text(d.content) } if (typeof d.oncomplete === "function") { d.oncomplete(d) } } else { e.append('
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